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Vodacom Durban July to be staged behind closed doors

Vodacom Durban July to be staged behind closed doors

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Vodacom Durban July to be staged behind closed doors

Horse racing fans can take heart that the 2020 Vodacom Durban July will take place this year, but as
a broadcast-only event behind closed doors.

Vodacom and Gold Circle have confirmed a joint commitment to run Africa’s Greatest Horseracing
Event, but under the strictest adherence to all government health protocols surrounding COVID-19.
“Gold Circle, together with the ongoing support of the company’s valued sponsor Vodacom, is fully
committed to running the 2020 Vodacom Durban July. Sadly, given the reality of the present
circumstances, the race meeting will be staged behind closed doors and without spectators,” said
Gold Circle CEO Michel Nairac.

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