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The 2020 Comrades Marathon has been cancelled

The 2020 Comrades Marathon has been cancelled

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The 2020 Comrades Marathon has been cancelled

Following long discussion with the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) Board and KwaZulu-Natal Athletics (KZNA, Athletics South Africa has announced the cancellation of the 2020 Comrades Marathon.

Making the announcement, ASA President Aleck Skhosana said: “Cancelling what would have been the 95th edition of the Comrades Marathon was a long and arduous decision to make. With the race’s rich history, its powerful nation-building attributes and contribution towards social cohesion, as well as its immense economic impact, it would have been premature to rush into an outright cancellation sooner. However, we believe we have jointly arrived at the correct decision to protect the health and safety of all concerned as well as the lives of our fellow South Africans.”