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Re-discover Durban’s hidden gems in advanced Level 03 Lockdown!

Re-discover Durban’s hidden gems in advanced Level 03 Lockdown!

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Looking a for a place to relax, let your hair down and get some much-needed fresh air after a lengthy lockdown period, here are some of the places you can visit in the City, which have opened since the beginning of Advanced Level 03 lockdown;

Durban’s tourism products and services have quickly adapted to the prescribes of the new normal and a fully compliant with national government lockdown regulations giving you and your family peace of mind and assurance that you will receive a safe and memorable experience when you visit these products/services. 

Our product owners have vowed to adhere to the highest standards of safety and continue to offer the world class experiences that we have become known for as the City.

Here’s a list of areas you can visit in the Western parts of the Durban;


Community Support

Hillcrest Aids Centre - Curios, community support

031 765 5866 / info@hillaids.org.za

1000 Hills Community Helpers

031 783 4013 / 1000hch.dawn@zamail.co.za


Blue horizons Riding School
Phezulu Safari Park
Lello Animal Farm


Curios & Crafts

1000 Hills Arts and Crafts Village
Phezulu Safari Park


Pot and Kettle

031 777 1312 / heidi@potandkettle.co.za

Phezulu Safari Park


Kloof Country Club

031 764 0555 / gm@kloofcc.co.za

Cotsworld Leisure Centre

031 762 3674 / cherese@studio-c.co.za


Eagles View BnB
Amazulu African Palace

031 764 8000 / info@ammazulupalace.com

Valley Lodge

031 765 6407 / info@valleylodge.net

Phezulu Safari Park
Grassroots BnB
Morgenzon BnB
Khululeka Lodge

081 270 6139 / khululekalodge@gmail.com

The Brackens Guest House

031 765 3923 / james@brackens.co.za

Lindisfarne BnB
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Krantzkloof Nature Reserve

The Krantzkloof Nature Reserve a beautiful reserve where visitors can enjoy sightings of the abundant wildlife which includes Zebra, bushbuck, vervet monkey among others.

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Phezulu Safari Park

Phezulu Safari Park is an exciting tourism venue, situated in Botha’s Hill, only 35 km’s from central Durban.


Furthermore, we encourage people to continue to observe personal safety measures like frequently washing hands for 20 seconds, use of hand sanitizers and masks and 1.5m social distancing.